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Thursday, 23 April 2009

Part 2

There was going to be a follow up to my last post, but it seems to have disappeared into the ether, along with any resolution to a difficult situation. So where do I go from here? Seems the only way to go is up. I need to work on my focus, so until I'm on my way out of this self inflicted purgatory...

That seems harsh, it's not entirely self inflicted, but I can't blame anybody else for my situation. I should've listened to my instincts quite a while ago, they are seldom wrong, but I can lack confidence in them. Things can get a little twisted from time to time, especially when you have a tendency to over analyze any actions. So the first lesson learned is trust your instincts, don't let anybody tell you other wise because that way madness lies.

I'm generally suffering because I lack foresight, I am of the moment, but the moment is already in the past by the time the brain as processed it, so am I of the past??
Aren't we all?

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